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Monday, February 27, 2012

Never Give Up!

Do you believe in Reaching for the Stars?!
Well Believe it, Because at times in life, you may want to give up, but don't, because reaching for the stars can come true, as long as you believe it! FRH said to GO GO GO, so meaning, GO GO GO, don't give up halfway!! Try your best, sometimes, you don't succeeded, but that doesn't make you a failure, it only makes you Stronger!
<3 黄好美

-Reach for the Brightest Star-

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I may not be

I dont do much at home and whenever i do my sisters get the credit for it. I'm not suitable for chores at home! I dont really care if you dont like what i do! Ill eventually get out of the house and be more independent. I'm not afraid to do so! I have a stronger heart than you think i do!

Friday, February 17, 2012


First off, I apologize for not updating this..Ever since 2012 has came along, I've been keeping myself busy, and if not that, I've been busy anyways! School takes up most my time, I may not be the smartest kid out there, but i can tell you, I am giving it my best shot, maybe not my BEST BEST but I'm trying. SOO hard.

Birthday's. AHHHH, Both Xiao Lin & Xiao Mei's birthday's are all in the SAME month, one week after another, Jie Jie's are all getting older, and I'm still here, still younger, but I guess that's Okies right? 

WHAT did you do for Valentines Day?!!
I, of course, had a lonely Valentines Day, but that's okies! haha Guess what I received?! haha Look ! My Parents still love me most ! I got a couple teddy-bear that holds a heart, that says I Love You. :))

You know what I think? I think that I have the Greatest Friends in the world, Even though I encounter a lot of bumps along way of my road, I've learned to over come those obstacles. Don't you think that BFF's are PRICELESS.

There is one thing, I've been wanting to say. --> Xie Xie<--

Since 2012 has begun, I have already lost a GeGe..He was a close friend, he said he was my GeGe, wanted to do so many things with him, such as VB, my brothers, my family, he visited all the time, since he came back down to visit...I was SOO upset, and sad, but one of my Jie Jie has told me, to stop calling for him, to let him go peacefully...& no one has ever told me that, but finally, I realized, that's true. When someone leaves, let them leave peacefully...right? Of course they'll miss you, you'll miss them, but that's part of life right? *Sigh* So since then, I've stopped calling for him, BUT doesn't mean I'd stop thinking about him once in a while.

I have lots on my mine, like a LOT, but what I most what to post on here is..
Thank you, for protecting my family, for protecting my brother for not getting hurt. Thank you all for your support and all the time you have taken to read this post. lol

<3 黄好美
-Quote From Me-
------Life is not always about yourself, consider other around you------

Thank You !

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's day

Happy Valentines day!
You dont need to be taken to be loved! Friends are there for you!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012



thanks for all that you have done! ♥ ♥ ♥ Ill always be the dork king for you two just cause i love seeing your precious smiles! That always brightens up my day! Ill try my best to be on stage one day!

i think this is the first one....Wi to you .....you'll be on stage as a super star!♥ awww...thanks xiao mei!

2nd wish: Thanks for wishing me happiness forever!

3rd wish: thanks for wishing me a healthy life!

4th wish: THanks for wishing that we all can go to taiwan together! This one will come true!

5th wish: haha....dadong...hai you wo...meet.... :D

6th wish: aww....no more lonliness thanks so much! ♥

7th wish: a bright future(with you guys of course i will have one)

8th wish:haah...forever the dork king!

9th wish: for me to smile!(been doing that a lot this year! just cause you two! make me feel so special!)

10th wish: for me to always believe! (thanks)

11th wish: for me to be more open(hao mei....what do you mean by this?)

12 wish: is for me to stop holding back( sorry....ill try...explain more please?)

13th wish: for me to eat more....haha!

14th wish: awww....(hao mei) you wwish for me to never change....

15th wish: haha...wish for me to be a girly?(huh? is this cause your one susan?)

16th wish: for me to know that not everyone backstabs(awww.....i know....but then you know....i'm always aware of things....)

sorry if i got you two mixed up on who wrote what.....

i dont know what i would do without you two! you little girlies! I've never met anyone who would make me feel so special before! You two mean the world to me!